Tips & Tricks

Tips for Packing & Moving the Stress Free Way

Are you moving soon? Are you stressing out about it a little bit? As professional movers, we get it. There's a lot to do as the moving date gets closer. These moving tips from our pros will ensure it's the easiest move you've made yet.

Plan: Start Planning as Far in Advance as Possible

Get the ball rolling as early as possible once you know your move date or even a rough idea of when you need to move. At the very least you want to figure out what supplies you'll need, if you are going to use a moving company, if you'll be shipping boxes and what other services need to be arranged like setting up utilities.

Carefully Consider the Move Date

If you are flexible with your move date that's a great stress reliever. Being able to choose a move date means you can select a time when movers aren't as busy, like in the middle of the week as opposed to the weekend.

It's also advisable to choose a move date that's a day or two after you get the keys to your new house rather than the day of. Having that day beforehand to get the house prepped, make sure the utilities are set up and everything is good to go makes moving day much less stressful.

Start Contacting Movers

If you plan to use a moving company go ahead and start contacting movers. During certain times of the year our moving company gets booked solid. Calling well in advance is the best way to lock in your ideal move date and times. Advanced booking can also help you get the best deal on moving services.

Figure Out the Best Size for the Moving Truck

If you need to use a moving truck you'll have to figure out the size. This is important for ensuring that the moving truck will be able to accommodate all of your belongings. The moving company can provide information on the truck storage capacity and dimensions. This will give you a rough idea of the number and size of moving boxes that can fit inside.

Start Packing, Seriously

Start packing up whatever you can whenever you can. Packing is the most time-consuming part of the moving process. Things that can usually be packed up a month or more in advance include:

Packing always takes longer than anticipated, and it's easy to fall behind schedule. If that happens, you may want to consider utilizing professional packing services.

Make Time for Me Time

Another reason you want to give yourself plenty of time is because moving can be an emotional process. You're leaving your current home where you've made memories for a new home with loads of possibilities. You may also be starting a new job and your kids may be going to a new school. Heck, you may be moving into an entirely new town.

Giving yourself time for me time allows you to go through the experience less stressed so you can be excited about what's to come!

Purge: Get Rid of Unwanted Items

The best opportunity to downsize is before a move. You will already be going through every single item during the moving process, so take the time to sort items and decide what you want to keep, donate, give away or sell.

There are a lot of benefits to getting rid of unwanted items before the moving truck arrives rather than just packing everything up. Purging before packing is beneficial because:

Don't limit yourself to only getting rid of smaller items. Donating or selling the bulkiest items and large furniture that may not fit well into your new home is a great space saver.

Stock Up: Get the Right Size Moving Boxes and Supplies

If you want to save money, it's easy to cut costs by reusing cardboard boxes from friends, neighbors and stores. You can even find people online who are giving boxes away for free. What's important is that the packing boxes are in good condition and the right size.

Properly sizing boxes for what you're packing makes all the difference. Here are some rules of thumb to follow:

You'll also need to stock up on packing tape. Instead of buying packing paper, look for free newspaper stands or use items like rolled clothes and rags to pad boxes.

For more packing tips, give our team a call. We're happy to provide advice for a specific packing situation.

Protect: Plan to Bring Valuables With You If Possible

We all have at least a few things that are priceless to us. There are also documents and other valuables that most people like to keep close at hand. For those items, you want to take special care.

Save Space for Bringing Valuable Items With You

The best place for valuable items, especially irreplaceable memorabilia, is with you. If you have space in your vehicle or can bring valuables with you in a separate trip during local moves that's usually the best option. That way you don't have to worry about their whereabouts or what condition they are in.

Consider Moving Insurance

Another way to protect your valuables is with moving insurance. It's a type of short-term insurance plan that protects your valuables during the move. Coverage usually includes during packing, loading, transport and unloading.

You may actually have moving insurance, or something that could pass for it. Check your auto insurance policy. You may have coverage for personal items that are damaged during transport if there's an accident. If you have homeowners or renters insurance there may also be some limited coverage for items if they are stolen, lost or damaged during the move.

Pack Up: Starting Packing

Once you're just a few weeks from your moving date, packing needs to kick into high gear if it hasn't already. Here are some of our top packing tips:

Prepare: Get Everything Ready for Moving Day

The more you prep for moving day, the smoother everything will go. Once you get everything packed up there are a few more things you can do to get ready.

Clear a Path for the Movers

Before the moving truck arrives, move any vehicles parked in driveways to an area that will not interfere with loading.

Next, create a clear path from the doorway that allows the movers to move your belongings safely and easily. Keep the door and other pathways within your living space clear till the end of your move.

Clear all extension cords and wires as well as any other items that pose a tripping hazard. 

Create a First Night Moving Kit

After a long day of moving boxes to your new home, the last thing you want to do is start unpacking everything. That's where the first night moving kit comes into play. It's a box or two filled with just the essentials you'll need that first night, in addition to setting up beds for sleeping. Things to include in your kit are:

The idea is to set yourself up so you can mostly relax after getting all of your belongings moved. With the first night moving kit all you have to do is order a pizza and start enjoying your new house.

We hope these moving tips were helpful and can relieve some of the stress as you wait for your moving date to arrive. And if you need a mover in Austin that can help transport your heavy items, pack up moving boxes or help coordinate the entire move, give us a call!